haPPy nEw yEAr!!!!!
Okay so i'm a bit late, sorry Marja, lol! I have been meaning to update for days but then the day passes without me getting to it.
So much going on right now in our lives right now......work is still all up in the air with the proposed take over due in April, but goodness knows what the new company are going to do with us or when they are going to get around to doing anything with us.
Callum has come over to live with us while his mom and sister sell the house in SA and move back to the UK. Life with a 13 year old is quite cool, and we're lucky that he is helpful, he's been helping me make sure all the washing gets dry this week while waiting to start school. He's also very funny and has a quick wit so it's all laughs and smiles, not sure if it'll last once we get into a school routine :O
Wedding plans are all go, and here is the step by step for Debbie ;)
I have an appointment with the florist next Wednesday (seems my lady has left and I'm not sure if she has left all my paperwork) so I need to make sure they know what I want!
Mom and I have chosen the menu, just need to run it past Stu to make sure he is happy.
I plan to measure Stu and Callum this weekend for their kilts so I can order them next week. Stu is getting the real family tartan, but because it is rare and expensive, we'll just get Callum a ready made up one till he stops growing. I am so excited that the boys will all be in kilts, it is going to look so cool.
I am still outfitless, but going to try on dresses either on Saturday or next week. I had set my mind on an outfit from Monsoon but I want to try on tradional wedding dresses just to see ;)
The two littlest girlies have their dresses and they look positively gorgeous!
There is the tiniest possiblitiy that our village church will be open again in time for the wedding, which is so FAB, as it means I will be able to walk to the church in my wellies, and it is a one minute walk from the village hall!
Our parish has also found a permanent vicar starting in March so we have someone to officiate the ceremony that Stus dad is doing for us.
Um, that's it for now, will update when I have more!
Ooh it's home time! Later dudes!