tomorrow!! Oh goodness me I am so nervous but full of excitement and inspiration to get this little show on the road!
Later dudes!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Oh my goodness....
not long now :) Be sure to put the weekend aside for some awesome projects, inspiration for living the good life, and some shopping specials!
later dudes!
later dudes!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
3 sleeps!!
the excitement in our camp is growing as we are all getting ready for the launch this Friday, WOO HOO :) We have some special things lined up, so if you need a dose of good living watch this space!! Such fab ladies involved that I feel truely honoured to be part of this.
The weather over the weekend was pretty awful and I got very little done in the garden which is not good considering I have less than 6 weeks till open gardens and so much work to do. The only good thing about the crappy weather is the plants get a jolly good watering (although so do the weeds!) I also have a major slug/snail problem, they have got into my greenhouse and are devouring my seedings and all my sunflowers! Blooming pesky things :(
Stu left yesterday for the Isle of Man and the 100th's his first and has been so excited, I do hope they have good weather. He's biked over with his friend Michael, and been given strict instructions to TAKE PHOTOS!! :D I'll train him one day ;)
I have been trying very hard to stick to my weekly blog reading and I think i'm getting there. If I post on my blog then I can have a little 'treat blog reading time' during the week but I have to be quite strict and only read after i've posted and not say 'oh i'll read a bit then post' cause then I just get carried away, lol, and run out of time. Lets see how long I can keep it up!
Right y'all I need a cup of tea so have a great day dudes, till later!
The weather over the weekend was pretty awful and I got very little done in the garden which is not good considering I have less than 6 weeks till open gardens and so much work to do. The only good thing about the crappy weather is the plants get a jolly good watering (although so do the weeds!) I also have a major slug/snail problem, they have got into my greenhouse and are devouring my seedings and all my sunflowers! Blooming pesky things :(
Stu left yesterday for the Isle of Man and the 100th's his first and has been so excited, I do hope they have good weather. He's biked over with his friend Michael, and been given strict instructions to TAKE PHOTOS!! :D I'll train him one day ;)
I have been trying very hard to stick to my weekly blog reading and I think i'm getting there. If I post on my blog then I can have a little 'treat blog reading time' during the week but I have to be quite strict and only read after i've posted and not say 'oh i'll read a bit then post' cause then I just get carried away, lol, and run out of time. Lets see how long I can keep it up!
Right y'all I need a cup of tea so have a great day dudes, till later!
Friday, May 25, 2007
7 Sleeps!!
hee hee!!
Have you been over to the pencil lines blog lately?? They are on the hunt for a new DT member, so cool and i'm terribly temped to audition, but not sure I want to fill my days with crafting right at the start of summer when I have so much work out in the garden to do! Oh well I have a few days to decide.
haPPy frIDay y'all!! Woo hoo 3 days off.......and so much planned!!
Have you been over to the pencil lines blog lately?? They are on the hunt for a new DT member, so cool and i'm terribly temped to audition, but not sure I want to fill my days with crafting right at the start of summer when I have so much work out in the garden to do! Oh well I have a few days to decide.
haPPy frIDay y'all!! Woo hoo 3 days off.......and so much planned!!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
well I have just heard that there is something very cool planned for launch day of our fab new project on the 1st June!! So blooming excited I may not be able to keep it a secret till then!!

I have been going through my work pc clearing out the hard drive and I came across this LO that I did for the Speshal Dares way back. It's an oldie and it has been posted on my blog before but it makes me happy, because I just adore these Scenic route papers, in fact they may even be my favourite favourite paper line (cause of course I have a few favourites!! :) ). Sometimes I miss SA desperatly, the open spaces, the beautiful outdoors, the powerful sea, and most of all my family. But I have decided to settle in the UK and make this my home, but I will be sure, to never forget where I come from!

I have been going through my work pc clearing out the hard drive and I came across this LO that I did for the Speshal Dares way back. It's an oldie and it has been posted on my blog before but it makes me happy, because I just adore these Scenic route papers, in fact they may even be my favourite favourite paper line (cause of course I have a few favourites!! :) ). Sometimes I miss SA desperatly, the open spaces, the beautiful outdoors, the powerful sea, and most of all my family. But I have decided to settle in the UK and make this my home, but I will be sure, to never forget where I come from!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
very exciting is headed this way!! I have joined up with some fabulously talented ladies to bring this exciting new project to the world wide web....the only place you will need to look for inspiration that will colour your life in magical ways. Only 9 more sleeps till all is revealed, watch this space!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Today is a sad day.....

Todays post is dedicated to a very brave young lady who lost her long battle with lukemia on Sunday morning. I have been keeping track of Chelseas illness through daily emails passed onto me from her big sister who has been my very best friend since we were 10.
Chelsea had many ups and downs during this time, but when her lungs were effected she really had a hard time fighting off infection, to the point that all her medication was conflicting and there was just no way of knowing what to treat first :(
She fought long and hard and at 14 showed a huge amount of courage. RIP baby girl
My love to all the family as you now face the long hard journey of coming to terms with the loss of your beautiful Chelsea bun
Friday, May 18, 2007
Oh dear
I opened my blog at 8 this morning this morning with the intension of updating, and 2 hours later, after reading about 30 blogs, I came across this post on Jools' blog, lol. I did have such a giggle cause I have all good intensions of being a good blogger and updating regularly and, well, it never happens!
So I started to wonder why I have these long breaks between posts and the only conclusion I have come to is that I spend too much time reading other peoples blogs. Now while that is not a bad thing, the whole reason for having a blog is to keep it up to date and really if you're not going to bother then why the hell keep one in the first place??
That said I am imposing a blog reading ban on myself for days Saturday through Thursday and will save Fridays for my dose of blog surfing!
Now I wonder if it will make me update more often......heehee.
I'm sure loads has happened since my last post but i'll be damned if i can remember what, this is another problem when you don't blog often ;)
I am still on a mission to get my life in some sort of order, and as part of a very exciting project that I am working on with some super talented ladies I am going to challenge everyone that lives in a state of chaos to join me in getting organised!! Interested?? Then watch this space!!
I certainly hope the weather improves soon as I have loads of work to do in the garden getting it ready for our villages open garden day in July...yikes I still can't belive I have signed up for this! I have hundreds of photos of my garden to share but they are on my laptop at home :( loads of pretty flowers and tons of seedings in the greenhouse ready to plant.
Our potatoes, onions and beans on the allotment are growing well, but the blooming rabbits made light work chomping all the new baby lettuce to nothing (I thought lettuce was poisonous to rabbits??). Luckily they haven't found the lettuce in the garden yet, although maybe Josh is doing a good job keeping them out of there!
Some sad news now :( My little Flo flo is missing.....I am totally gutted as she is my little angel and I have searched the village for her but she is gone :( I can only think she has landed up in the neighbouring village and can't find her way back through the fields or someone has snatched her. She's a moggy so has no monetary value, but she is so damn important to me that I cry every night I miss her so much! She is tagged but i've heard nothing so I can only assume she's not been knocked over and taken to a vet. Anyway I live in hope she will return soon :(
Right dudes....happy Friday to you all! later :)
So I started to wonder why I have these long breaks between posts and the only conclusion I have come to is that I spend too much time reading other peoples blogs. Now while that is not a bad thing, the whole reason for having a blog is to keep it up to date and really if you're not going to bother then why the hell keep one in the first place??
That said I am imposing a blog reading ban on myself for days Saturday through Thursday and will save Fridays for my dose of blog surfing!
Now I wonder if it will make me update more often......heehee.
I'm sure loads has happened since my last post but i'll be damned if i can remember what, this is another problem when you don't blog often ;)
I am still on a mission to get my life in some sort of order, and as part of a very exciting project that I am working on with some super talented ladies I am going to challenge everyone that lives in a state of chaos to join me in getting organised!! Interested?? Then watch this space!!
I certainly hope the weather improves soon as I have loads of work to do in the garden getting it ready for our villages open garden day in July...yikes I still can't belive I have signed up for this! I have hundreds of photos of my garden to share but they are on my laptop at home :( loads of pretty flowers and tons of seedings in the greenhouse ready to plant.
Our potatoes, onions and beans on the allotment are growing well, but the blooming rabbits made light work chomping all the new baby lettuce to nothing (I thought lettuce was poisonous to rabbits??). Luckily they haven't found the lettuce in the garden yet, although maybe Josh is doing a good job keeping them out of there!
Some sad news now :( My little Flo flo is missing.....I am totally gutted as she is my little angel and I have searched the village for her but she is gone :( I can only think she has landed up in the neighbouring village and can't find her way back through the fields or someone has snatched her. She's a moggy so has no monetary value, but she is so damn important to me that I cry every night I miss her so much! She is tagged but i've heard nothing so I can only assume she's not been knocked over and taken to a vet. Anyway I live in hope she will return soon :(
Right dudes....happy Friday to you all! later :)
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