Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So chuffed

This is the tin I made for the guy Stu is working with and I got this message last night......Dear uncle Stuart and auntie Caroline, thank for my lovely present. So far I have put my name bands and umbillical clip and my cot tag in my tin and my clothes are lovely. When I get some hair i'll put a lock of it in my tin. Lots of love Darcey X

I was really excited that they like it and am so glad it will be used. Home made gifts always make me very anxious, as i'm never sure the recipient will 'get it'.


Jules said...

Lovely tin Caz.....and why would they not like it???? Might make something similar for my lil sis

Lyzzydee said...

Its beautiful well done . Nice to get some feedback as well!